Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Norwegian response to the butter crisis as an example of Norwegian way of thinking

Everybody who is reading this, regardless being in Portugal, in Norway, in the US, in Germany or in Argentina, has already heard about the lack of butter that Norwegians are facing.
Media around the world has been describing the butter crisis around here, how it’s affecting people and the bizarre histories such as the one about the man that was caught trying to bring 90kg from Sweden.
Meanwhile, today, in the front page of the biggest Norwegian newspaper, you could read “Se hvordan du kan lager ditt eget smør” which means “See how you can make your own butter” and in the cover of the Economic section “Smørkrisen kunne vært unngått”: “Butter crisis could have been avoided”.
This quick answer showing what you can make to circumvent the problem and pointing out the reasons for what went wrong so it won’t happen again shows how, instead of worrying about the simple description of the problems or its consequences, Norwegians are interested in learning from the mistakes and dealing with the short-term effects in their own.


  1. Go Norway! woop woop

  2. Afonso, nós preocupados com falta de euros e a Noruega com falta de manteiga! De facto as coisas não batem certo... Baixaram a quota de produção de leite em Portugal e temos excedente, tanto quanto sei; os países europeus são muito solidários! Já te tinha proposto arranjar um negócio para vendermos sol e areia, junta este ao cardápio, vender manteiga. Afinal qual é a causa da crise da manteiga? Por aqui também vão aparecendo receitas para "dar a volta à crise", o problema é que a máquina de fazer euros é só uma e está blindada na Casa da Moeda. Beijo, muita neve e que o pai Natal te brinde com muitas surpresas agradáveis. Ju mãe
