The satisfaction about everything, typical on the first days couldn’t last forever. After two weeks, I must say there are some things that haven’t been reaching the level of my expectations.
The first one is my pair of Salomo’s. Back in Portugal, I actually thought they were going to do great in Norway. It’s still summer (I actually prefer the other designation: Green Winter) and I can already tell that they won’t be enough. Anyway I hope they make great slippers.
Another thing that made me upset was the political day last Tuesday. I had the best opinion about Norwegian way of making politics and I find the FPU party giving vaffels. The vaffels were actually very good, though.
The third and last disappointment was during this weekend. I went to a Confirmation Party (a moment in your religious life when you’re about 15) and afterwards, the dinner was only 16 different delicious cakes.
Are you complaining about 16 different delicious cakes! Lucky you! Imagine if there were 16 different delicious seafood dishes... Kiss... Mum