Monday, 26 September 2011

These days

I heard some complains about my blog. In general, people agree on my superior skills for blogging but believe I should try to make it more personal. I understand that curiosity so I'll try to change from now on.

This weekend I went to the second arrival camp for all the AFS students coming to this region of Norway. We met in Hønefoss and spent an interesting weekend from Thursday to Sunday sharing some first concerns and opinions and Norway and Norwegians.

Today I had a regular school day and I'm going to have a football practice. Tomorrow there will be this school party in Oslo (first party in Norway).This Wednesday I don't have classes because once a month l have a free day and I don't really know what to do, just that I'll try to study some Maths (I finally get why people complain it's a difficult subject) for Friday's test. Thursday, instead of the regular classes, all the students will be on an Orientation in the mountains. We have a map and all that stuff and we have to go to some checkpoints. It's kind of individual but my strategy is to find someone that is running slowly and try to follow him or her. Next week there is no school so I'm trying to find something interesting to do.

I’m starting to study some things on my own such as verbs and vocabulary. Hopefully I will be able to express myself in Norwegian and understand what is being said in some months…

And that’s pretty much it, now it’s half past five so I’ll have dinner.

1 comment:

  1. o estilo diário fica-te bem afonso ainda que a cronica me divirta muito mais :) bem pelo menos fiquei a saber que estás a ter uma vidinha muito difícil... dias sem aulas, festas, caminhadas... não sei como aguentas... consegues perceber o sarcasmo?? :D
    quanto ao exercício de orientação acho que é uma actividade a desenvolver... muito! :) e enquanto não ficas especialista segue alguém que saiba o que está a fazer... não queremos que te percas... bazinga ;)

    afonsinho um beijinho da su
